About Usami Tourist Association

In the Usami Tourism Association, We are promoting tourism promotion and regional promotion activities in the Usami area of Ito city. We are doing the following annual events.

1朁E/th> 2朁E/th> 3朁E/th> 4朁E/th> 5朁E/th> 6朁E/th>
Usami FestivalPreparatory activities (late March to mid May) Usami FestivalHolding (last Sunday in May)
7朁E/th> 8朁E/th> 9朁E/th> 10朁E/th> 11朁E/th> 12朁E/th>
"Sukumo" mountain Mountain peak Mowing cleaning volunteers

Contact Us

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※ I will transmit after agreeing to the policy below.


This homepage follows the following Japanese policy.

privacy policy

[Original text]
宁E��美観光会(以下�?�観光会�?�)�E、以下�Eとおり個人惁E?�保護方針を定め、Ebr> 観光会員及�E観光会関係�?�E�E個人惁E?�の重要�?�を認識し、�?�人惁E?�の保護のため忁E��な環墁E��構築し、�?�人惁E?�保護を推進致します�?�Ebr>
●�?�人惁E?�の管琁Ebr> 観光会�E、利用老E�E個人惁E?�を取り扱ぁE��あたり�?��?�人惁E?�への不正アクセス・紛失・破損�E改ざん・漏洩などを防止するため、セキュリチE��シスチE��の維持等�E安�E対策を実施し�?�人惁E?�の慎重な取り扱ぁE��行なぁE��す�?�Ebr> ●�?�人惁E?�の利用目皁Ebr> 利用老E��ら�?�かった�?�絡先等�E個人惁E?�につぁE��、観光会から�E連絡業務�Eご案�E・ご質問などの回答などにおいて、E��子メールめE��E��の送付などに役立てる�?�合があります�?�Ebr> ●�?�人惁E?�の第三�?�E��の開示・提供�E禁止
観光会�E、利用老E��り�?�かった�?�人惁E?�を適刁E��秘匿し�?�次のぁE��れかに該当する�?�合を除き�?��?�人惁E?�を第三�?�E��開示ぁE��しません、Ebr> �E�)利用老E�E同意がある�?�吁Ebr> �E�)観光会から依�?�を受けたセキュリチE��めEbr> �?�?シスチE��の管琁E?�E��対し忁E��な惁E?�がある�?�吁Ebr> �E�)法令に基づき開示することが忁E��である場吁Ebr> ●�E企Ebr> 利用老E��観光会員が本人の個人惁E?�につぁE��照会�E修正・削除などをご希望する場合�?�観光会�E本人確認�E上�?�E��刁E��対応します�?�Ebr> ●法令、規篁E�E遵守と見直ぁEbr> 観光会�E、保有する個人惁E?�に関して適用される日本の法令、その他規篁E��遵守するとともに、本ポリシーの冁E��を適宜見直し�?�その改喁E��努めます�?�Ebr> ●お問い合せ
[Automatic translation]
The Usami Tourism Organization (hereinafter referred to as "Tourist Society") has established the following personal information protection policy as follows,
Tourism members and tourism officials recognize the importance of personal information, establish the necessary environment to protect personal information, and promote the protection of personal information.

◁EManagement of personal information
In handling personal information of users, tourism society conducts safety measures such as maintenance of security system, etc. to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, tampering, leakage, etc. of personal information, and careful handling of personal information I will do.
◁EPurpose of using personal information
For personal information such as the contact address you got from the user, it may be useful for sending e-mails and materials, etc. in the communication work, guidance, questions such as questions from tourist societies etc.
◁EDisclosure and provision of personal information to third part
Tourism society will properly conceal the personal information entrusted by the user and will not disclose personal information to a third party unless it falls under any of the following.
1) When there is consent of the user
2) Security and requests received from tourism society and
If the system administrator has necessary information
3) When it is necessary to disclose based on laws and regulations
If a user or a tourism member wishes to inquire, modify, delete, etc. personal information of the person himself / herself, the tourist group confirms the identity and appropriately responds.
◁ECompliance with laws and regulations and norms
The tourism association will comply with Japanese laws and other standards applied to the personal information it holds, as well as review the content of this policy as necessary and make efforts to improve it.
For inquiries on the handling of personal information of Tourist Society please contact the following form.

site policy

[Original text]
利用規紁Ebr> こ�E利用規紁E��以下�?��?�本規紁E?�とぁE��ます�?�)�E、宁E��美観光会(以下�?��?�観光会�?�とぁE��ます�?�)が
こ�Eウェブサイト上で提供するサービス�E�以下�?��?�当サイト�?�とぁE��ます�?�)�E利用条件を定めるものです�?�Ebr> 当サイト�E閲覧・利用される方�E�以下�?��?�利用老E?�とぁE��ます�?�)�E本規紁E��従って閲覧・利用することとします�?�E
第1条�E�適用�E�Ebr> 本規紁E�E、利用老E��観光会との間�E当サイト�E利用に関わる�?刁E�E関係に適用されるものとします�?�Ebr>
第2条�E�閲覧・利用�E�Ebr> 観光会�E、当サイト�E利用老E��以下�E事由があると判断した場合�?�Ebr> 閲覧・利用の承認をしなぁE��とがあります�?�また�?�その琁E��につぁE��は�?刁E�E開示義務を�?わなぁE��のとします�?�Ebr>
第4条�E�禁止事�?�E��Ebr> 利用老E�E、当サイト�E利用にあたり�?�以下�E行為をしてはなりません、Ebr>

第5条�E�当サイト�E提供�E停止等!Ebr> 観光会�E、以下�EぁE��れかの事由があると判断した場合�?�利用老E��事前に通知することなぁEbr> 当サイト�E全部また�E�?部の提供を停止また�E中断することができるも�Eとします�?�Ebr>
�E�E�E�当サイトにかかるコンピュータシスチE��の保守点検また�E更新を行う場吁Ebr> �E�E�E�地霁E?�落雷、火災、停電また�E天災などの不可抗力により、当サイト�E提供が困難となった�?�吁Ebr> �E�E�E�コンピュータまた�E通信回線等が事故により停止した場吁Ebr> �E�E�E�その他�?�観光会が当サイト�E提供が困難と判断した場吁Ebr>
観光会�E、当サイト�E提供�E停止また�E中断により、利用老E��た�E第三�?�E��被ったいかなる不利益また�E損害につぁE��、Ebr> 琁E��を問わず�?刁E�E責任を�?わなぁE��のとします�?�Ebr>
第6条�E��E責事�?�E��Ebr> 観光会�E、利用老E��当サイト�E閲覧・利用にともなって生じた事柄めE?�当サイトに関しての利用老E��他�E利用老E��た�E第三�?�E��の間において生じた取引�E連絡・紛争等につぁE���?刁E��任を�?ぁE��せん、Ebr>
第7条�E�サービス冁E��の変更等!Ebr> 観光会�E、利用老E��通知することなく�?�当サイト�E冁E��を変更しまた�E当サイト�E提供を中止することができるも�Eとし�?�Ebr> これによって利用老E��生じた損害につぁE���?刁E�E責任を�?ぁE��せん、Ebr>
第8条�E�利用規紁E�E変更�E�Ebr> 観光会�E、忁E��と判断した場合には、利用老E��通知することなくいつでも本規紁E��変更することができるも�Eとします�?�Ebr>
第9条�E��?�知また�E連絡�E�Ebr> 利用老E��観光会との間�E通知また�E連絡は、観光会�E定める方法によって行うも�Eとします�?�Ebr>
第10条�E�準拠法�E裁判管轁E��Ebr> 本規紁E�E解釈にあたっては、日本法を準拠法とします�?�Ebr> 当サイトに関して紛争が生じた�?�合には、観光会�E本店所在地を管轁E��る裁判�?を専属的合意管轁E��します�?�Ebr>
[Automatic translation]
Terms of Service
This Terms of Service (the "Terms and Conditions"), the Usami Tourism Organization (hereinafter referred to as "Tourism Society"), Inc. It defines the terms of use of the service provided on this website (hereinafter referred to as "this site").
Those who browse and use this site (hereinafter referred to as "users") shall view and use them in accordance with these Terms.
Article 1 (applicable)
This agreement shall apply to all relationships related to the use of this site between users and tourism societies.

Article 2 (viewing and using)
Tourist society, if judging that the user of this site has the following reasons,
We may not approve browsing / use. Moreover, we will not be obliged to disclose anything about the reason.

(1) Use of persons who have violated these terms
(2) Users who judged that tourism society does not properly view or use the site
Article 4 (Prohibited matter)
In using the site, users should not do the following actions.

(1) Acts that violate laws or public order and morals
(2) Acts related to criminal acts
(3) Destroying or obstructing the functions of the server or network of the tourism association
(4) Actions that may interfere with the operation of tourism society services
(5) collecting or accumulating personal information etc. concerning other users
(6) Disguise to other users
(7) Acts of directly or indirectly giving profits to antisocial forces in connection with the services of tourism association
(8) Any other action that the tourism society deems inappropriate

Article 5 (suspension of provision of this site etc.)
If the tourist group judges that there is any of the following reasons, without informing the user in advance:
You may suspend or suspend the provision of all or part of this site.

(1) When performing maintenance / inspection or updating of the computer system related to this site
(2) When it becomes difficult to provide our site due to force majeure such as earthquake, lightning strike, fire, blackout or natural disaster
(3) When computer or communication line stops due to accident
(4) In addition, if the tourist group decides that it is difficult to provide this site

The Tourist Association shall notify you of any disadvantage or damage incurred by you or a third party due to suspension or interruption of the provision of this site
I will assume no responsibility regardless of the reason.

Article 6 (Disclaimer)
Tourism society does not concern matters arising along with browsing and use of this site by users or transactions, contacts, disputes etc. arising between users and other users or third parties concerning this site We are not responsible.

Article 7 (Change of service content etc.)
The tourist group shall be able to change the contents of this site or cancel the provision of this site without notifying the user,
We do not assume any responsibility for damage caused to users by this.

Article 8 (Change of Terms of Service)
The tourism society shall be able to change this agreement at any time without notifying the user if judged necessary.

Article 9 (Notice or contact)
Notification or contact between the user and the tourism society shall be made according to the method prescribed by the tourism society.

Article 10 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
In interpreting these Terms, the Japanese law shall be the governing law.
In the event of a dispute with respect to this site, the court having jurisdiction over the head office location of the tourism society shall be subject to exclusive agreement jurisdiction.

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